I want to keep trace of every stored procedure I call using ADO executeComplete event in my ADO connection object (just for loging propourses). My problem is that I can not access any Command property because of const statement in the event prototype just before _Command.
Is there any option to access Command properties (like parameteres names, values, etc. inside this event handler?
Thanks in advance (sorry if my english is not good enough)
I want to keep trace of every stored procedure I call using ADO executeComplete event in my ADO connection object (just for loging propourses). My problem is that I can not access any Command property because of const statement in the event prototype just before _Command.
void __fastcall TDm::ADOCnnClientesExecuteComplete(TADOConnection *Connection,
int RecordsAffected, const Error *Error, TEventStatus &EventStatus,
[b]const _Command *Command[/b], const _Recordset *Recordset)
Thanks in advance (sorry if my english is not good enough)