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How simple can restoring be?

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Mar 15, 2001
I have a simple problem that is doing my head in because I'm sure I'm missing something really really obvious!
Backed up SQL7 d/b to .bak file, then want to restore it to SQL2K server ... and when I try to restore it this happens:
Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState 42000)
Cannot open backup device "g:\filename.bak". Device error or device offline. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

do your physical drive letters go up to g: or is g: a mapped network drive, if so thats what the problem is. If thats the case then create a shared folder on the SQL 7 box and restore from the UNC path eg \\server\share\filename


Brighton, UK
filename.bak must be physically on the same box as the SQL server you are restoring to. I think....
You can backup and restore accross a network using the UNC. Mapped drives are not supported because SQL Server runs as aservice and cannot "see" drives mapped in Windows.

If you want to get the best answer for your question read faq183-874 and faq183-3179.
Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
SQL Server Page:
I am getting the same error message as the initial poster of this thread.

I am trying to restore a demo database on my local laptop. I use it for my personal use.

Windows XP SP2
SQL Server 200 Developer

When I go to restore the demo database from a device, I get the error:
Cannot open backup device C:..../demobackup. Device error or device off line
Restore database is terminating abnormally.

any ideas?
How are you doing the restore? Normally, the database had to originally exist where you restore it to. Try creating a new database with the same name as the one you are restoring, dropping the database and then doing the restore.

Is your laptop Developer version set up the same way as the one the backup came from? Sometimes different collations cause problems.

BTW-you really should have started your own thread. I'm sure CInman doesn't want to be getting emails that someone is replying to their post -especially when the original post was from 2003.


Posting advice: FAQ481-4875
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