How should I correctly close my program fully before RUNning my backup program (a separate *.exe)? The option to call the backup is disabled if a window is open so I don't need to close any open windows first. Using C6 - Legacy.
I had...
RUN('backup.exe ')
This worked OK but the programs title bar would shimmer before calling the backup prg (XP SP2) which gave the impression something was not quite right.
I have since tried using...
RUN('backup.exe ')
This eliminates the shimmer and appears to work fine but is it a good method to use?
I had...
RUN('backup.exe ')
This worked OK but the programs title bar would shimmer before calling the backup prg (XP SP2) which gave the impression something was not quite right.
I have since tried using...
RUN('backup.exe ')
This eliminates the shimmer and appears to work fine but is it a good method to use?