i am no EMC² Admin (Symmetrix). I am in charge of Nagios and am suppost to monitor the beast. But thats exactly what Nagios does, check the status. But most people at my workplace think its some kind of CMDB.
Here is the problem:
I have watched an "EMC² Administrator" using an executable on our EMC² adminserver (win%). He was able to pull out a huge amount of infolists. But he said there is no way to determin the actual capacity used by a certain host/node (I am not used to storage terms).
Only how much space is allocated, but not how much is actually in use of this allocated space.
There has to be a way, using these executables, right?
I don't need a solution, although it would be great (quick command example). A hint would be fantastic. They are too scared to let me try working with those executables provided by EMC² (proabably a got idea, although that is the kind of thing I do everyday).
i am no EMC² Admin (Symmetrix). I am in charge of Nagios and am suppost to monitor the beast. But thats exactly what Nagios does, check the status. But most people at my workplace think its some kind of CMDB.
Here is the problem:
I have watched an "EMC² Administrator" using an executable on our EMC² adminserver (win%). He was able to pull out a huge amount of infolists. But he said there is no way to determin the actual capacity used by a certain host/node (I am not used to storage terms).
Only how much space is allocated, but not how much is actually in use of this allocated space.
There has to be a way, using these executables, right?
I don't need a solution, although it would be great (quick command example). A hint would be fantastic. They are too scared to let me try working with those executables provided by EMC² (proabably a got idea, although that is the kind of thing I do everyday).