I just set up a syslog server (thanks to Br0ck's excellent FAQ). It's an eye opener to watch the syslog server show what my PIX 520 is doing.
What price am I paying for this? How can I tell how much processing power is being used by the PIX to send the logging data to the syslog server?
The environment I'm in is a Citrix data center for approx 200 users across the nation. I don't want to impinge upon performance by leaving the PIX in a logging state if so...
What price am I paying for this? How can I tell how much processing power is being used by the PIX to send the logging data to the syslog server?
The environment I'm in is a Citrix data center for approx 200 users across the nation. I don't want to impinge upon performance by leaving the PIX in a logging state if so...