Hey all,
I have been studying Java for about three weeks and I have written a few programs and made it a good way through Sun's tutorial and most of the way through this one
I typically have about 3-4 hours each weekday to study. I was wondering how long it might be before my code won't suck/get my laughed at by experienced developers. Granted this depends on intelligence etc... but what I'm asking is for a reasonably intelligent person (B.S. in Mech. Eng.) how long should it take? I'm not asking so I can give up if it takes too long or something, I'm just curious.
For being a newbie, I am doing ok. The best program I've written is something of a lottery tool. (Yes, I know....The lottery is a tax on the stupid/bad at math) Anyway, it will return every possible combination of up to 12 numbers of your choosing (could be any number up to 49 if I so desired, but I chose 12 since more than that would amount to >$10k in lottery tickets and 12 numbers is about $950) in six digit increments....your typical state lottery. After timing it accurately, I found that it takes 9 minutes to create all 13.9 million possibilities and write it to a 244MB text file. Well, this is just extraneous info, but simple math programs aren't that big of a deal, but it shows me that I'm on track.
Anyway, the real question is how long. Or maybe just tell me what your experience has been and how long it took you. I am teaching myself from the internet so far, but may buy a book when the internet has given all I can take. Definitely no class work though...no time. My goal is to get some side work as a jr programmer or small programs...something that will actually generate some supplemental income. So maybe thats the real question.....hong long till someone will actually pay me? lol
But I'm more interested in your experiences.
I have been studying Java for about three weeks and I have written a few programs and made it a good way through Sun's tutorial and most of the way through this one
I typically have about 3-4 hours each weekday to study. I was wondering how long it might be before my code won't suck/get my laughed at by experienced developers. Granted this depends on intelligence etc... but what I'm asking is for a reasonably intelligent person (B.S. in Mech. Eng.) how long should it take? I'm not asking so I can give up if it takes too long or something, I'm just curious.
For being a newbie, I am doing ok. The best program I've written is something of a lottery tool. (Yes, I know....The lottery is a tax on the stupid/bad at math) Anyway, it will return every possible combination of up to 12 numbers of your choosing (could be any number up to 49 if I so desired, but I chose 12 since more than that would amount to >$10k in lottery tickets and 12 numbers is about $950) in six digit increments....your typical state lottery. After timing it accurately, I found that it takes 9 minutes to create all 13.9 million possibilities and write it to a 244MB text file. Well, this is just extraneous info, but simple math programs aren't that big of a deal, but it shows me that I'm on track.
Anyway, the real question is how long. Or maybe just tell me what your experience has been and how long it took you. I am teaching myself from the internet so far, but may buy a book when the internet has given all I can take. Definitely no class work though...no time. My goal is to get some side work as a jr programmer or small programs...something that will actually generate some supplemental income. So maybe thats the real question.....hong long till someone will actually pay me? lol
But I'm more interested in your experiences.