During my surfing around the web I've noticed some people have a small
thumbnail on a page, and when you click on it a larger file/swf/image expands out the the center of the page -this has a "close window' link which makes the window dissapear. All this happens over the existing page content - ooh nice - but how??
My knowledge of flash tells me that if the file is say 320x320 then that space has to allocated for the flash file - but the thumbnail is only about 120x40.
Is it in a div? or the backgound set to transparent? is there a tutorial out there that explains how to achieve this effect?
thumbnail on a page, and when you click on it a larger file/swf/image expands out the the center of the page -this has a "close window' link which makes the window dissapear. All this happens over the existing page content - ooh nice - but how??
My knowledge of flash tells me that if the file is say 320x320 then that space has to allocated for the flash file - but the thumbnail is only about 120x40.
Is it in a div? or the backgound set to transparent? is there a tutorial out there that explains how to achieve this effect?