FROM ASP with access 2000 database :
Set m_Conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
m_Conn.Open "eq14CVs", "", ""
SQL = "Select TOP 5 [field] as toto from table orderby fct([field],'the_word') desc" ' MyFunc is not permit here
Set rs = m_Conn.Execute(SQL)
If (rs.EOF) Then Exit Do
response.write rs("toto" & "<br>"
I would like to obtain an order with occurence of a word.
Do you know a "fct([field],'the_word')" ?
It is not possible to create and use with ADO a replace function, so i need an another solution.
Example :
order by (len([field])-len(Replace([field],'the_word','''',1,-1,1)))/len('the_word') desc"
I don't want use the replace function under ASP because the database have 15000 rows to order. It's too big to do with ASP.
Please, help me.
Set m_Conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
m_Conn.Open "eq14CVs", "", ""
SQL = "Select TOP 5 [field] as toto from table orderby fct([field],'the_word') desc" ' MyFunc is not permit here
Set rs = m_Conn.Execute(SQL)
If (rs.EOF) Then Exit Do
response.write rs("toto" & "<br>"
I would like to obtain an order with occurence of a word.
Do you know a "fct([field],'the_word')" ?
It is not possible to create and use with ADO a replace function, so i need an another solution.
Example :
order by (len([field])-len(Replace([field],'the_word','''',1,-1,1)))/len('the_word') desc"
I don't want use the replace function under ASP because the database have 15000 rows to order. It's too big to do with ASP.
Please, help me.