please after i have serached from gnu.gcc.org i dont have
found relay my question, i want to make my gcc a cross compiler one time for my linux Suse and my NETBSD
please what i need to do it and what i must give for a syntax to my gcc.
i have read that on older machine its better to compile with a cross compiler that working much faster and stabiler
please let me know possible you have it and you see the diffrent as bevor
thanks in advance
please after i have serached from gnu.gcc.org i dont have
found relay my question, i want to make my gcc a cross compiler one time for my linux Suse and my NETBSD
please what i need to do it and what i must give for a syntax to my gcc.
i have read that on older machine its better to compile with a cross compiler that working much faster and stabiler
please let me know possible you have it and you see the diffrent as bevor
thanks in advance