This had an article on how to do a fast cascade windows via a keyboard short cut key vs right click on taskbar & choosing cascade windows. Not being a programmer, is this easy? Or another way to do this?
"You may find it faster to tile or cascade windows from your keyboard, or to give each of these commands its own Quick Launch or other toolbar icon. You can do so with a suitable one-line script.
Open Notepad or another text editor, and type the line (new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application")).CascadeWindows(). Choose File, Save As. Navigate to an appropriate directory and type a name like "Cascade.js"; include the quotation marks so Notepad won't tack on its default .txt file extension. Click Save. To test the script, open Explorer and locate the icon for the file you just saved. When you double-click it, the open windows on your desktop should cascade. etc...."
Thanks, Dave