Just wondering, how far do people experienced with CSS take it? I'm still new to it, and am not sure of all the proper applications, specifically for positioning.
Currently I'm designing a relatively in depth personal information page. Not just name, email, phone... maybe 30 or so fields, plus their labels.
Now, at first glance this seems like a natural application for a table, but then I'm wondering if maybe this is a good place for CSS? Is the positioning good for something like that, or would it be tedious and overkill?
Currently I'm designing a relatively in depth personal information page. Not just name, email, phone... maybe 30 or so fields, plus their labels.
Now, at first glance this seems like a natural application for a table, but then I'm wondering if maybe this is a good place for CSS? Is the positioning good for something like that, or would it be tedious and overkill?