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How execute code when code is in a textbox. 1

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Technical User
Jul 7, 2004
I find myself creating help message boxes frequently so I put together a DB to help with creating the string for the msgbox. I enter the steps or instructions into a continuous form:

How To Eat A Banana
First, Remove the Peel
Second, Open Mouth
Third, Shove Banana in Mouth

The result is a piece of code produced in a textbox that I can copy and used with a command button:

Dim strHelp As String
Dim crlf As String
crlf = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
strHelp = "How To Eat A Banana" & crlf & crlf
strHelp = strHelp & "First, Remove the Peel" & crlf
strHelp = strHelp & "Second, Open Mouth" & crlf
strHelp = strHelp & "Third, Shove Banana In Mouth" & crlf
MsgBox (strHelp)

The process is working fine as described and the code functions properly when used on the On Click of a command button.

I would like to execute the code in the textbox to check the formatting of the msgbox before copying and pasting it into another DB. How do I execute the code in the textbox without having to place the code on the On Click of a command button.

Private Sub cmdHelpMessage_Click()
“Some Code to execute what appears in [textbox]
End Sub

Any help will be appreciated.
Here's one way:

[blue][green]' requires a reference to Micosoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility[/green]
Dim myCodeModule As VBComponent
Set myCodeModule = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule) '.CodeModule.AddFromString "'Rem"
myCodeModule.CodeModule.AddFromString "Public function DoTest" & vbCrLf & TextBox1.Text & vbCrLf & "End function"
Eval "DoTest()"
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remove myCodeModule[/blue]
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