I want to be able to store the click from the selected file on the OpenFile Dialog Box so that I can open another Dialog Box which will obviously take user input. I need this input be searhed for or "parsed", obviously with a matching pattern, and I would like to have the results, written out to a file. Here is the code thus far.
sub parse{
my $file = $mw->getOpenFile(
-title=>"Click the file or directory that you wish to search",
-command=>**can I use FileSelect here*** ;
(I need the click to be stored and to execute the Dialog Box Below).
my $search = $mw->DialogBox (
-background => 'cyan',
-title => 'Enter the word or phrase you wish to search for',
-buttons => [ 'OK', 'Cancel' ],
-default_button => 'OK',
(After words are typed and Ok is clicked I need the below to parse the selected file, and write the result to a file).
my $typed;
my $type_search = $search->Entry (
-textvariable => \$typed,
my $click = $search->Show();
return unless $click eq 'OK';
I know a lot of this code is wrong; I personally happen to be proficient in Java and C++ and I am now trying to tackle Perl fundamentals, to build better crudentials.
sub parse{
my $file = $mw->getOpenFile(
-title=>"Click the file or directory that you wish to search",
-command=>**can I use FileSelect here*** ;
(I need the click to be stored and to execute the Dialog Box Below).
my $search = $mw->DialogBox (
-background => 'cyan',
-title => 'Enter the word or phrase you wish to search for',
-buttons => [ 'OK', 'Cancel' ],
-default_button => 'OK',
(After words are typed and Ok is clicked I need the below to parse the selected file, and write the result to a file).
my $typed;
my $type_search = $search->Entry (
-textvariable => \$typed,
my $click = $search->Show();
return unless $click eq 'OK';
I know a lot of this code is wrong; I personally happen to be proficient in Java and C++ and I am now trying to tackle Perl fundamentals, to build better crudentials.