it is a Pairtree NI which is Norstar intergration. The gentlemen that supports the Pairtree has already had the unit and as well dialed into the unit to verify it was not the voicemail. My technician says that no where in the manual does it explain how to diable or enable the auto attendat. We were told that the DR5 software was not capable but the ds was. this whole process of sending units back and forth has taken a week and a half at our customer's expense. Thanks in advance for your help.
Well, the Norstar can only send a line to the extension number of the PairTree. So go into the Norstar programming and pull up the extensions of the voicemail. See if any lines are assigned directly to them. If so, unassign them.
That would be my guess, not knowing a darn thing about PairTrees.
it is giving us an error code of 63-201 any ideas there? This is killing us as well as our efficiency and our poor customer. We called another Norstar gentlemen and he said he had never heard of such an issue. Also I need to make one correction on the info. I gave you, it is a DR5 DS. Thanks again.
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