...but I am curious about autosubmitting forms. Can you offer a sample Bastien? Can the form submit the value when a link is clicked on (even if a submit button is unavailable or not clicked on)?
use a javascript function to set a vairable using the onClick functions
<script language ="javascript">
function myfunction(){
</head><body onLoad="myfunction();">
<form action="anotherpage.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="someval"></form></body>
I use this a lot for error control whereby after checking the data submited by some other form I can tell the user in a friendly way that there is a problem...what I like to do is have the hidden variable set with some value that is placed by the validation code and then use the javascript to pop up an alert box to tell the user there is a problem and then when the user clicks the "ok" button, I redirect then back to the forms page to correct the error...
hth Bastien
There are many ways to skin this cat,
but it still tastes like chicken
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