WOW! I haven't done PC/PC communication through DOS in years. Hold on a minute........had to get my DOS 4.0 & 6.22 disks, lets see...humm...hummm...OH! you'll need to use the following two files (can't promise they'll work in a LAN setup--I believe MS made these for serial/parall. null modems, but YOU'LL HAVE TO DO SOME READING ON THESE FILES)
Pack Name Expanded Name
One acts as server and the other is the client (can you guess which is which??) and I believe that server MUST be activated (a reboot of course) for the connection to take place.
good luck -- MiggyD [sig]<p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>You can pick your friends and you can pick your teeth and you can pick your toes, just don't pick you nose.[/sig]
Kudos to MiggyD for a blast from the past! I don't have a way to test his idea on the current system but I'm assuming that INTERLNK will return an "Incorrect DOS Version" error. You might be able to fool it using the SETVER command.
There are software packages that allow messaging over a network (my company uses ICQ Corporate) but none of them allow a programming interface, which is what I assume you are trying to accomplish.
If you can't get INTERLNK to work you might try doing it by file transfer under Windows (it should work with practically any version of BASIC).
Set up a directory on the server and create subdirectories under it for each user. The main message directory will have to be shared with access to all and mapped as a drive on each workstation (security will be a nightmare).
Then write your BASIC application. Without knowing which version you are using, further comment becomes rather difficult.
[sig]<p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=
Just a thought, but if your office is networked, couldn't you log into a differenc "Workgroup" so you could share the link?? or even try network neighborhood to place a "txt" file directly on the receiver's desktop?
Let me tell you, if I'm working on a project and "something suddenly came up" (from "The Bradey Bunch: The Movie", I think it would really get MY attention.
Just a thought, though. [sig]<p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>You can pick your friends and you can pick your teeth and you can pick your toes, just don't pick you nose.[/sig]
PS--Alt255's right about Incorrect DOS version thing. I think I remember (odd wording wouldn't you say?) once seeing a SETVER for them in the 6.22 [DOS]. It's quite possible that the same may be for Win 9x+. [sig]<p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>You can pick your friends and you can pick your teeth and you can pick your toes, just don't pick you nose.[/sig]
Well, I tried running Interlnk and Intersvr on a DOS 7.10 machine and they executed without error. I couldn't test them in a networking enviroment because all but one of my home machines are torn pieces. Hmmm... I think I'll take the files to work and give it a shot, just for the sake of curiousity. Having never used these programs, it will be interesting to see what they can do.
If you are using Visual Basic you can use the Winsock control to send messages over the network. MSDN help contains a small example program that can be converted into a chat app in about five minutes. [sig]<a></a><br>[/sig]
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