How do you implement XML in a website? I use Dreamweaver, how would i implement XML into that. I want to be able to display products in the site. Images and data at the same time.
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but the site certainly helped me get my head round XML a bit.
Basically XML is yet another layer between the human and the browser, a bit like Java, but without the compiling!
You can specify your own 'tags' in XML using the 'Schema', which is a bit like the document template, then all XML documents are 'validated' against the Schema/Template to make sure that they have the correct data in. This way Program A can read the data it wants, ie Prog A Tags, and Prog B can read only the Prog B Tags.
I'm sure that there are more litterate people out there who can explain it a little better, but take a look at the web schools. I also found the XML spy stuff really good. The Home edition was recently given away with PC plus in the UK.
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