I started a web page for someone sometime ago - he wasn't ready to give me content till now after i already had a header up on his site which he loves. The problem is this header contains fonts which I lost when i converted my syteme to Windows 2000 and I have no idea what fonts they are - if you go to you can see what the fonts look like in case anyone has any idea what they are -- I'm just wondering if there is anyway that flash can tell you which ones are misssing exactly. Pagemaker and Quark both have this capability....does Flash??
Short of that, - is there any way to edit the original Flash -(I need to take out the top bar of colors) but even though I can view the original fonts form my first .fla - if i make any changes to the .fla content the fonts become swapped to system default . . .
any thoughts/help appreciated
Short of that, - is there any way to edit the original Flash -(I need to take out the top bar of colors) but even though I can view the original fonts form my first .fla - if i make any changes to the .fla content the fonts become swapped to system default . . .
any thoughts/help appreciated