Hi everyone.
I am trying to retrieve some information from a text file, but am not sure if the format is ok. Could someone please tell me how its supposed to be? Currently its like this
Eventually this data file will have multiple hosts, with dialers linked to its respective host. I have the script below.
Thanks for your help
Kind regards
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use Getopt::Long;
# Globals. Change these!
our $LOGIN = 'LOGIN';
our $PASS = 'password';
our $ENPASS = 'password';
# Parse command-line options
my ($host, $dialer);
GetOptions( "host=s" => \$host, "dialer=s" => \$dialer );
unless ( defined $host && defined $dialer ) {
warn "You forgot to pass me some arguments!\n";
print usage();
exit 1;
# Read from logfile
open LOGFILE, "> log.txt" or die "Can't read from log.txt: $!";
my $title = <LOGFILE>;
print "Report Title: $title", <LOGFILE>;
close LOGFILE or warn $!;
# Router automation
my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new( Host => $host );
$session->login( $LOGIN, $PASS );
if ( $session->enable( $ENPASS ) ) {
print "My privileges: " . $session->cmd( 'show privilege' );
$session->cmd( 'configure terminal' );
$session->cmd( "interface Dialer $dialer" );
$session->cmd( 'No Shutdown' );
} else {
warn "Can't enable: " . $session->errmsg;
sub usage { "$0 --host=hostname --dialer=number" }
I am trying to retrieve some information from a text file, but am not sure if the format is ok. Could someone please tell me how its supposed to be? Currently its like this
Eventually this data file will have multiple hosts, with dialers linked to its respective host. I have the script below.
Thanks for your help
Kind regards
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use Getopt::Long;
# Globals. Change these!
our $LOGIN = 'LOGIN';
our $PASS = 'password';
our $ENPASS = 'password';
# Parse command-line options
my ($host, $dialer);
GetOptions( "host=s" => \$host, "dialer=s" => \$dialer );
unless ( defined $host && defined $dialer ) {
warn "You forgot to pass me some arguments!\n";
print usage();
exit 1;
# Read from logfile
open LOGFILE, "> log.txt" or die "Can't read from log.txt: $!";
my $title = <LOGFILE>;
print "Report Title: $title", <LOGFILE>;
close LOGFILE or warn $!;
# Router automation
my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new( Host => $host );
$session->login( $LOGIN, $PASS );
if ( $session->enable( $ENPASS ) ) {
print "My privileges: " . $session->cmd( 'show privilege' );
$session->cmd( 'configure terminal' );
$session->cmd( "interface Dialer $dialer" );
$session->cmd( 'No Shutdown' );
} else {
warn "Can't enable: " . $session->errmsg;
sub usage { "$0 --host=hostname --dialer=number" }