My application will be at a bus stop where passengers in the queue can't properly see the sign on the front of the bus.
I will have a camera and screen to let the queueing passengers see the front of the bus.
I want entertainment and ads to show on the screen when no bus is present but when the bus arrives it will show a webcam type pic of the front of the bus on the screen with a large text message to say "now boarding"
My only problem is how to handle the webcam in VB6
Could I use VB6 and the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) library to do this by using it's inbuilt subroutines etc?
If so where do I find help on the WIA?
I would also like to use a change in the pic (bus arriving or departing)to trigger the text message if possible so the camera becomes a presence detector between 2 states otherwise I would use a simple infrared sensor.
Any ideas?
I will have a camera and screen to let the queueing passengers see the front of the bus.
I want entertainment and ads to show on the screen when no bus is present but when the bus arrives it will show a webcam type pic of the front of the bus on the screen with a large text message to say "now boarding"
My only problem is how to handle the webcam in VB6
Could I use VB6 and the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) library to do this by using it's inbuilt subroutines etc?
If so where do I find help on the WIA?
I would also like to use a change in the pic (bus arriving or departing)to trigger the text message if possible so the camera becomes a presence detector between 2 states otherwise I would use a simple infrared sensor.
Any ideas?