I used the procedures they told me in this forum to put the data gathered in text boxes into an Access97 table. That works great, but I think using a button to do this is somewhat messy, since the Adodc2 control I've set up to be the receiver of the data (with the DataSource property) has its own MoveFirst, MovePrevious, MoveNext and MoveLast buttons, not to mention that little Caption window. I'm moving throughout the table with this buttons, but I'd like the Adodc control to move to the last record when the form loads, so when I move, the data saves into the table. It works, but I'm always erasing the first record, and if I use <FONT FACE=monospace><br><br>Private Sub Form_Load()<br><br>Adodc2.MoveLast<br>Adodc2.MoveNext</font><br><br>the thing doesn't work. What do I do to move to the EOF at the beginning so I AddNew when I move for the first time?<br><br>Aris.