I downloaded a new firmware version for my IP2004 phones but I can figure out how to upload the new version to the BCM50 for delivery to the phones. Can anyone help?
Not sure if you have the resources to do this but what I used to do is give the I.P. set to one of the tech's that worked on the larger Nortel switches. I would get them to fire it up on their larger Meridian switch & than bring it back to my customers BCM 3.7. Did this for many customers who wanted to use their Blue Tooth headsets before they came out with this feature in 4.0.
I remember using TFTP to update set firmware in the early days. You just need a TFTP Server program, I think I used Solar Winds. Connect the set directly to the PC with a cross-over cable.
You can try this:
1) Make sure that the TFTP server is running.
2) Configure the IP set "S1 IP" field to be the PC's IP address.
3) Configure the IP set "GW IP" field so that the packets can reach S1.
4) Configure the IP set "S1 Port" to 7000.
The set will connect to the tftp and upgrade it's firmware.
You can monitor the upgrade progress bar in the TFTP window.
Once the download is complete, reconfigure the IP set so that it can connect to the BCM.
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