I am taking a sniffer capture and I am not sure how to tell how much data is being transferred. I am looking at the Length Field in the Decode Section and I see 1514. However the Total Length field in the ip header gives me 1500 bytes. In the TCP Header it tells me its 1460 Bytes of Data. Is that the actual data minus the ip and tcp header. If that is the case than what is the 1514. I can understand the 1500 would be 1460 (payload) + 20 (ip header) + 20 (tcp header) = 1500 but what is 1514. Is my thinking correct and can someone explain how to calculate it more accurately and what about with other protocols like netbios etc. Also is there a way to make sure that the mtu is always the maximum so as to optimize the connection. I have seen instances where the data is transferred in small sizes and hence it takes a long time. What does that depend on?