I need a hand here.
I have several gig's of production reports which I need to tar up and move to a different server. I've already moved files from the past two years up to May 30th. I need to move the remaining files and directories from May 30th to the present and dump them into the new directory structure which was coppied over 5/30.
Here's the dilema. All the files fall under a directory structure created around groups ranging betwwen 1000-9000, under those, each group has a user directory between 01-99, then in each of those here are several hunderd reports (files dating back a few years). Unfortunaetly, when I try to tar up the reports from the last month,
>find . -ctime -30 -exec tar -cf /dir/file.tar {} \;
I end up tarring up way more than I need. Can anyone suggest a way to make this work?
Thanks in advance.
I need a hand here.
I have several gig's of production reports which I need to tar up and move to a different server. I've already moved files from the past two years up to May 30th. I need to move the remaining files and directories from May 30th to the present and dump them into the new directory structure which was coppied over 5/30.
Here's the dilema. All the files fall under a directory structure created around groups ranging betwwen 1000-9000, under those, each group has a user directory between 01-99, then in each of those here are several hunderd reports (files dating back a few years). Unfortunaetly, when I try to tar up the reports from the last month,
>find . -ctime -30 -exec tar -cf /dir/file.tar {} \;
I end up tarring up way more than I need. Can anyone suggest a way to make this work?
Thanks in advance.