According to the Actuate Desktop API Guide for e.Reporting Suite 5, a call to the AcReqSetRequestPriority(priority) API should set the priority. This API call should be made just before the API call to generate the report using AcReqGenerateReport(). However, the report is generated with a priority of 500 regardless of what I pass to the API.
The user on the Report Server is set up with a priority range of 900-1000.
My VB code snippet looks like:
fileNum = AcReqReadFile(rox)
If (AcReqGetError(fileNum)) Then
' error with the file
MsgBox (AcReqGetErrorString(fileNum))
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, AC_REQ_ROI, rsRoi
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, AC_REQ_ROX, rsRox
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, "CaseNumber", 123
' set the priority
' generate the report
reqHandle = AcReqGenerateReport(rox, AC_REQ_GENERATE+AC_REQ_VIEW+AC_REQ_LAUNCH_ALWAYS, fileNum)
' close the file
AcReqCloseFile fileNum
End If
The user on the Report Server is set up with a priority range of 900-1000.
My VB code snippet looks like:
fileNum = AcReqReadFile(rox)
If (AcReqGetError(fileNum)) Then
' error with the file
MsgBox (AcReqGetErrorString(fileNum))
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, AC_REQ_ROI, rsRoi
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, AC_REQ_ROX, rsRox
AcReqSetValueString fileNum, "CaseNumber", 123
' set the priority
' generate the report
reqHandle = AcReqGenerateReport(rox, AC_REQ_GENERATE+AC_REQ_VIEW+AC_REQ_LAUNCH_ALWAYS, fileNum)
' close the file
AcReqCloseFile fileNum
End If