Now I have my book all but ready to print it has been suggested I have the spacing between lines and 1.5 as in words. Is there a way to do this please.
You don't. You are now in the world of typesetting and publishing. Word is based on the typewriter running from top left to bottom right. PM is based objects being "placed" on a blank sheet of paper.
Typewriters use things like double-spacing - the corresponding practice in typesetting is "leading", from the amount of lead inserted between the lines of type to create the space.
PageMaker uses leading. By default, PageMaker sets leading to 120% of the font size when you select Auto for the leading value. So for 12 point text, the default is 14.4 points. For 1.5 line spacing, you need leading of about 21 points.
The best way is to set up and apply a style so you can experiment easily. Print a page or two at say 18 points, 20 points and 22 points, lave a look, then decide.
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