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How do i safely restart?

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Technical User
Mar 23, 2006
I have an opt 11c with 2 redundant cores and need to do a restart to unfreeze a tty port, but cant remember how to go about it. Does anyone have any info on the restart or perhaps an idea on how to unfreeze a stubborn port (aside from dis and enl)?
opt 11's don't have cores and i've never saw one with two cpu's.. they have a ssc card in slot one, and usually hang on the wall.. an ini is all you need to bump start a tty port. just do a ld 43 edd and press the ini button on both cpu's... calls in the connect table stay up, new calls stop and calls on hold go away

john poole
bellsouth business
You probably know this...DONT INI during an EDD - it will corrupt your data - wait til EDD done
that's a very good point, i saw a power fail during a edd on an 11 and we did a reinstall and restored the data base from the keyboard.. it was during the install so the cust was not out of service, we just didn't need that much overtime 3 days before cut.. 400 station acd heavy with 5 pri's... pain

john poole
bellsouth business
sorry about that its 61 no 11 had a brain freeze, are you referring to the 'man int' button because i am not familiar with the "ini" on the cores.
I would INI only as a last resort. Do you have the ability to log in via the maintenance set, or is there another TTY port you can access to enable the downed TTY?
ini is never anything more then a last ditch... gives a person a bad feeling to ini and have the switch down for a day or two... if you must, press both ini buttons, marked MAN INT on the faceplate of each core.. i usually connect a tty to each of the two cpu's on the j21 plug behind the cpu. at least you can watch the reboot, your adan's will come up post boot as they load.. i have not found a reason to ini a working switch in over 10 years.. maybe twice in the last 30, during installs i did an ini without a second thought... but i never met a switch that i couldn;t get back up.. if one does not boot... turn off all cni's press both ini's connect to the rear of each and see which cpu boots.. if you have one that boots.. power down, put that core in maint, remove the cni's on the other side and prwer up, if she is still down, remove all the controller cards and paddle boards,, boot again.. just keep backing out cards until it comes up, then add them a few at a time.. i have walked into a dead switch, one network card in one loop was killing the switch.. it had been down two days, took 20 minutes with a clear head...

john poole
bellsouth business
hard to believe we get paid to have this much fun..

john poole
bellsouth business
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