Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
Round(expression [,numdecimalplaces])
The Round function syntax has these parts:
Part Description
expression Required.Numeric expression being rounded.
numdecimalplaces Optional. Number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding. If omitted, integers are returned by the Round function.
Copy the following code into a module and you have a ready to go integer random number generator (the numbers are integer in the mathematical sense of the word, their type is a long VB variable). Coding should be self-explanatory.
Private Const c_rvbUpperBoundRandomLong As Long = 2147483647
Private Const c_rvbLowerBoundRandomLong As Long = 1
Public Function RandomNumber(Optional ByVal lngUpperBound As Long = c_rvbUpperBoundRandomLong, _
Optional ByVal lngLowerBound As Long = c_rvbLowerBoundRandomLong) As Long
'*Purpose : Generate a random number within given bounds
'*Accepts : Two optional long values, the first being the UPPER bound,
'* the second one being the lower bound. The lower bound should
'* be greater than zero
'* REMARK: default lower bound is 1 (ONE)
'*Returns : The random number
'* ZERO - the upper bound is not greater than the lower bound
'* - one of the bounds is negative or zero
'*REMARK : Before using the function you should issue the Randomize statement
'* to generate different random numbers from one run to another
Dim intMyErrorNumber As rvbErrorDataGenval
'Bounds must be positive
If lngUpperBound < 0 Or lngLowerBound <= 0 Then
intMyErrorNumber = rvbOutOfBounds
End If
'Make sure Upperbound > Lowerbound
If lngUpperBound <= lngLowerBound Then
intMyErrorNumber = rvbUpperLTLower
End If
Case rvbOutOfBounds
MsgBox "Upper and/or Lower Interval limits" & vbCrLf & _
"must be greater than zero", , App.Title
Case rvbUpperLTLower
MsgBox "Upper interval limit should be greater" & vbCrLf & _
"than Lower interval limit", , App.Title
Case Else
MsgBox "Unknown error. Should not really occur", , App.Title
End Select
RandomNumber = 0
End Function
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. [attributed to Yogi Berra]
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