I want to do some conditional formatting in the footer section of a report. You can see my previous question "Question Re: Working with controls on a report) to see what I am doing as it refers to the detail section of a report.
Anyway I am trying to condition the formatting on the Sum fields in the footer. When I reference the control it is not working right. I am not sure why except that maybe it is not looking at the value of the control as it shows on the report. The control source for the control is "=Sum(Field)". I am comparing the two fields in the footer section. They are the same. I say to apply the footing if they are different. It is applying the footing every time. So it is not comparing the right thing. I don't know what it is comparing.
Here is my code.
If Me![Sum of JFMIP_BEG_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_BEG_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_DEBIT_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_DEBIT_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_CREDIT_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_CREDIT_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_ENDING_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_ENDING_BAL] Then
GroupFooter5.BackColor = RGB(204, 153, 255)
End If
Thank you in advance for your help. I have had problems referencing aggregate value controls before and have never figured it out.
Tammy Thank you for your help.
Anyway I am trying to condition the formatting on the Sum fields in the footer. When I reference the control it is not working right. I am not sure why except that maybe it is not looking at the value of the control as it shows on the report. The control source for the control is "=Sum(Field)". I am comparing the two fields in the footer section. They are the same. I say to apply the footing if they are different. It is applying the footing every time. So it is not comparing the right thing. I don't know what it is comparing.
Here is my code.
If Me![Sum of JFMIP_BEG_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_BEG_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_DEBIT_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_DEBIT_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_CREDIT_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_CREDIT_BAL] Or _
Me![Sum of JFMIP_ENDING_BAL] <> Me![Sum of AMS_ENDING_BAL] Then
GroupFooter5.BackColor = RGB(204, 153, 255)
End If
Thank you in advance for your help. I have had problems referencing aggregate value controls before and have never figured it out.
Tammy Thank you for your help.