I need to read in an XML file, traverse to the node position that I want to insert/update, and then save the changed doc.
Using the MSXML2 object I can load the file fine, but can't find any helpful examples of how to create a new node with all the attributes and text that you want in it, or how to get to the spot you want etc.
Is the MSXML the right tool to use here? I didn't think that the XMLTextReader and XMLTextWriter were appropriate because they are ReadOnly. I thought this would be fairly sraight-forward operation but can't find any VB.NET samples that do this.
Please help!
Using the MSXML2 object I can load the file fine, but can't find any helpful examples of how to create a new node with all the attributes and text that you want in it, or how to get to the spot you want etc.
Is the MSXML the right tool to use here? I didn't think that the XMLTextReader and XMLTextWriter were appropriate because they are ReadOnly. I thought this would be fairly sraight-forward operation but can't find any VB.NET samples that do this.
Please help!