I have an idea for rationalising Outlook Calendar Use (on Exchange Server) and wondered if anyone had experience of 'Cascading Calendars' ?
Have access to 4 levels of the Calendar
Level 1 Corporate :
Company Dates and Holidays (Fixed Data) administered by Senior Management
Level 2 Geographical :
Local Important dates and Area information
Level 3 Departmental :
Work Colleague Holidays , Work Schedule Information
Level 4 Individual :
Personal Work Schedules , Holidays , Private notes
I want Level 4 to be the default Calendar but pull in the relevant Information from all the other Calendars above it - possibly by using Categories and Read Only Access Security ?
The idea comes about from having to use 2 or 3 calendars in organising Projects I set up and work on, and wanting to use the information in MS Project .
Can it be done ? Is it worth doing ? Paul C.
Have access to 4 levels of the Calendar
Level 1 Corporate :
Company Dates and Holidays (Fixed Data) administered by Senior Management
Level 2 Geographical :
Local Important dates and Area information
Level 3 Departmental :
Work Colleague Holidays , Work Schedule Information
Level 4 Individual :
Personal Work Schedules , Holidays , Private notes
I want Level 4 to be the default Calendar but pull in the relevant Information from all the other Calendars above it - possibly by using Categories and Read Only Access Security ?
The idea comes about from having to use 2 or 3 calendars in organising Projects I set up and work on, and wanting to use the information in MS Project .
Can it be done ? Is it worth doing ? Paul C.