HOW do i fill the page with the same grid of lines that i use to seperate records when the records that exsist only fill half the page, also want to print the lines on whole page when no records exsist for some groups of data.
I've done this. It's a bit slow, but I could only think of one way to do it. I was actually asked to add 10 lines to each group reported on. I changed the report query to a make table one. Then did
csql = "SELECT TempRunsheet.RouteNumber, Count(TempRunSheet.TripNumber) AS CountOfTripNumber"
csql = csql & " FROM TempRunSheet"
csql = csql & " GROUP BY TempRunSheet.RouteNumber;"
Set rs1 = dbs.OpenRecordset(csql)
If Not (rs1.BOF And rs1.EOF) Then
For l1 = 1 To L
csql = "INSERT INTO TempRunSheet (RouteNumber,TripNumber,Name) "
csql = csql & " VALUES ( " & rs1("RouteNumber" & " , 1000, " & Chr$(34) & " " & Chr$(34) & " )"
DoCmd.RunSQL csql
Next l1
End If
The 1000 made sure that the blank lines remained at the bottom. The problem is, of course, that this will run over a page boundary when you don't want it to.
Peter Meachem
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