I have written a code that will open database and .csv file and it compiles and no problems there. What I need to know is how to get it to write the records to the database instead of the debug window. I am trying to write the records from this file to the database through .MoveNexVB code....any suggestions? Thanks so much!
Here is what I have .... so far
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim dbsPractice1 As Database
Dim rstproject As Recordset
Dim wrkJet As Workspace
Dim BDS As Integer
Dim Filler As Long
Dim LoggedDate As Integer
Dim strDesignDescription As String
Dim strStatus As String
Dim strDeveloper As String
Dim strBusinessAnalyst As String
Dim Packet As Integer
Dim strDesignType As String
Dim strSystem As String
Dim ExpectedDate As Integer
Dim strDepartment As String
Sub Open_Records()
'create microsoft jet workspace object.
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
'Opens Database
Set dbsPractice1 = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("C:\Practice1.mdb", True)
'Opens the project file to input it into the database
Open "C:\project.csv" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment
Debug.Print "Opening table-type recordset " & _
"where the source is a QueryDef object..."
Set rstproject = dbsPractice1.OpenRecordset( _
"BDS", dbOpenTable)
AddRecord rstproject, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment
Close #1
End Sub
Function AddRecord(rstproject As Recordset, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment)
' Adds a new record to a Recordset using the data passed
' by the calling procedure. The new record is then made
' the current record.
With rstproject
!Filler = Filler
!LoggedDate = LoggedDate
!DesignDescription = strDesignDescription
!Status = strStatus
!Developer = strDeveloper
!BusinessAnalyst = strBusinessAnalyst
!Packet = Packet
!DesignType = strDesignType
!System = strSystem
!ExpectedDate = ExpectedDate
!Department = strDepartment
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With
End Function
Thanks so much for helping me!!
Here is what I have .... so far
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim dbsPractice1 As Database
Dim rstproject As Recordset
Dim wrkJet As Workspace
Dim BDS As Integer
Dim Filler As Long
Dim LoggedDate As Integer
Dim strDesignDescription As String
Dim strStatus As String
Dim strDeveloper As String
Dim strBusinessAnalyst As String
Dim Packet As Integer
Dim strDesignType As String
Dim strSystem As String
Dim ExpectedDate As Integer
Dim strDepartment As String
Sub Open_Records()
'create microsoft jet workspace object.
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
'Opens Database
Set dbsPractice1 = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("C:\Practice1.mdb", True)
'Opens the project file to input it into the database
Open "C:\project.csv" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment
Debug.Print "Opening table-type recordset " & _
"where the source is a QueryDef object..."
Set rstproject = dbsPractice1.OpenRecordset( _
"BDS", dbOpenTable)
AddRecord rstproject, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment
Close #1
End Sub
Function AddRecord(rstproject As Recordset, BDS, Filler, LoggedDate, strDesignDescription, strStatus, strDeveloper, strBusinessAnalyst, Packet, _
strDesignType, strSystem, ExpectedDate, strDepartment)
' Adds a new record to a Recordset using the data passed
' by the calling procedure. The new record is then made
' the current record.
With rstproject
!Filler = Filler
!LoggedDate = LoggedDate
!DesignDescription = strDesignDescription
!Status = strStatus
!Developer = strDeveloper
!BusinessAnalyst = strBusinessAnalyst
!Packet = Packet
!DesignType = strDesignType
!System = strSystem
!ExpectedDate = ExpectedDate
!Department = strDepartment
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With
End Function
Thanks so much for helping me!!