I have an xml file with the structure shown below. I use an asp file for transformation. The first xsl file I have uses only the name info, book_id, and bookdate. Output of the xsl is html. What I want to do is to be able to click on book_id which would then pass that book_id number to an asp file which uses the same xml file but a different xsl file to display all the info that equals the passed book_id number. There may be more than one node that have the same book_id. The book_id would need to be passed from the html to the second asp file which would need to pass it on to the second xsl file.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<race>W </race>
<jsection>CENT </jsection>
<unit>B </unit>
<docketno>12345678 </docketno>
<bondtype> </bondtype>
<chrgdesc>DWLS 3</chrgdesc>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<race>W </race>
<jsection>CENT </jsection>
<unit>B </unit>
<docketno>12345678 </docketno>
<bondtype> </bondtype>
<chrgdesc>DWLS 3</chrgdesc>