I have a nice little array of strings called MissingNumbers. I need to print all of the elements of this array in the report footer. I have tried a formula field like this:
numberVar i;
stringVar Array MissingNumbers;
numberVar ArrayCnt;
for i = 1 to ArrayCnt do
When placed in the report footer the formula field says "True". Obviously what I want is a list of numbers that are in the array MissingNumber. If I put this in the formula field:
stringVar Array MissingNumbers;
I get the number (actually a string value in the underlying DB) "22038" which is in element 3 of MissingNumber.
What am I doing wrong?
numberVar i;
stringVar Array MissingNumbers;
numberVar ArrayCnt;
for i = 1 to ArrayCnt do
When placed in the report footer the formula field says "True". Obviously what I want is a list of numbers that are in the array MissingNumber. If I put this in the formula field:
stringVar Array MissingNumbers;
I get the number (actually a string value in the underlying DB) "22038" which is in element 3 of MissingNumber.
What am I doing wrong?