Every site now has a search site option. This might be basic, but how do they do this? Do they internally have to make a keyword list of every page they have, or can they search the tags in the header of all the webpages?
its very simple now... all u need is that to have a database containing the columns like title, url, keyword, description and body. U program your page in such a way that it reads the links from home page and then individual link page. Then it starts filtering...it first searches for <title keword and get its position and extracts all the string till it encounters </title>
Simlilary keyword and others
In case of body make sure u remove all the tags, keywords like and of if but etc... and stores in the database.
The loop continues till all links are checked.. though u have to do lots of validation...
You can use OpenSchema to get information out of a database and loop thru also. If its text files then just add the extensions as a variable and loop through all file types as long as they are'nt binary.
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