I have a com class which uses IBackgroundCopyCallback, and it all works great... the only problem I'm having is I have to open up a messagebox for it to work, otherwise my program shoots right out... what I want is some way to keep the program alive while waiting for the com call, then the com call calls the function which exits the program... so I guess what I need is a way to keep the program alive and wait, and then the opposing function which shuts it down, or just allows control to flow or whatnot.
Currently this program is running in a dos window (I want to move it to the systray, but am going to wait until I figure everything out first.. however I'm wondering if this might be an issue easier handled there than here...)
I'm using VC++ and I'm basically new to the visual environment... any directionality would be greatly appreciated.
Currently this program is running in a dos window (I want to move it to the systray, but am going to wait until I figure everything out first.. however I'm wondering if this might be an issue easier handled there than here...)
I'm using VC++ and I'm basically new to the visual environment... any directionality would be greatly appreciated.