click the Querys TAB<br>
then click the New button to make a query.<br>
Pick the top option "Design view"<br>
Then pick the table you want to look up your data in.<br>
Click Add then click Close<br>
Now drag the fields you want to see to the grid below.<br>
Now, Say you want to find all the "Smiths" in the "Last name" field <br>
click in the Field in question and put [Enter Last Name]<br>
exactly like that brackets and all in the "Criteria" box.<br>
If you want to sort the results by any field click Sort field and pick Ascending or Descending. <br>
click the RED exclamtion mark (At the top in the menu buttons) and up will pop a box type in your "WORD" <br>
It will find matches base on that<br>
Experiment with differnet "WORD"s and see the results<br>
Look at the results and see the number of records it returns. 1 of 222<br>
This will tell you where you are at<br>
Run then query with NO "words" and it should return all records in the table say 989 then run your query and see the resulting number get less.<br>
OK if you want to find say Smith and Smurfs togerther then put this in the box<br>
Like [Enter Name] & "*"<br>
It will find everything that "Starts" with the letter you type like Sm will find Smith and Smurfs and Smileys etc.<br>
Enjoy Access <br>
She'll give you ALL the Power you need 'Scotty' <p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Now to open your query with a macro<br>
click Macros Tab and new<br>
then click in the top blank cell and <br>
Press "R" on your keyboard and it will jump to the "R"s then find "OpenQuery" Now in the bottom of the macro screen <br>
click in the White box next to "Query Name" and find your query.<br>
Save it and give it a name such as "OpenQuery"<br>
Now if you don't put any spaces in your macro name you can create a Icon on your desktop that will open Access and your data base and run this macro.<br>
Heres an example of one on my Desktop<br>
"C:\Microsoft Office97\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" Y:\MachinesInStock.mdb /X Machines<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
BTW, you don't need to build anything. You can use the "Find" feature (on the toolbar) to search an entire table or part of it for a word or part of it.
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