I need to limit the bandwidth (up and down) on a Cisco 3550 switch to 2 Mbps on some of the ports and 3Mbps on some other ports.
I used below configuration on a port that supposed to get 3 Mbps up and down, but I'm getting 1.7 Mbps download and 0.61 Mbps upload which is not anything close to my configuration bandwidth limit.
I tried this several times and I never receive the supposedly configuration bandwidth.
I appreciate any help.
mls qos aggregate-policer 2000k 2000000 25000 exceed-action drop
mls qos aggregate-policer 3000k 3000000 25000 exceed-action drop
mls qos
class-map match-all traffic1
match ip dscp default cs1 cs2 cs3 cs4 cs5 cs6 cs7
policy-map traffic_2000k
class traffic1
police aggregate 2000k
policy-map traffic_3000k
class traffic1
police aggregate 3000k
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport mode access
service-policy input traffic_2000k
service-policy output traffic_2000k
load-interval 30
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport mode access
service-policy input traffic_3000k
service-policy output traffic_3000k
load-interval 30
spanning-tree portfast
I need to limit the bandwidth (up and down) on a Cisco 3550 switch to 2 Mbps on some of the ports and 3Mbps on some other ports.
I used below configuration on a port that supposed to get 3 Mbps up and down, but I'm getting 1.7 Mbps download and 0.61 Mbps upload which is not anything close to my configuration bandwidth limit.
I tried this several times and I never receive the supposedly configuration bandwidth.
I appreciate any help.
mls qos aggregate-policer 2000k 2000000 25000 exceed-action drop
mls qos aggregate-policer 3000k 3000000 25000 exceed-action drop
mls qos
class-map match-all traffic1
match ip dscp default cs1 cs2 cs3 cs4 cs5 cs6 cs7
policy-map traffic_2000k
class traffic1
police aggregate 2000k
policy-map traffic_3000k
class traffic1
police aggregate 3000k
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport mode access
service-policy input traffic_2000k
service-policy output traffic_2000k
load-interval 30
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport mode access
service-policy input traffic_3000k
service-policy output traffic_3000k
load-interval 30
spanning-tree portfast