A report doesn't know where it is on the page when it's printing records. Anything which you want to appear as a header on a new page, you place in the Page Header section.
If what you mean is that you want each page header to be different depending on the page it is, you can use formulas in the page header for this too.
Display an example of what you're working with and what you're trying to achieve.
Hi ,
Actually i want that my record should printed if its subtotal is printed(the display of subtotal is depend upon report parameter.)
So to do that i have put my recrods Header in first Detail section. And i have written code in Supress option to hide and show depend upon condition.
But i also want that the record header should also print on estart of every new page. So to do that how come to know that new page is going to start.
First Page -----------------
Name Position Salary
Jhon SE $6000
Methew SE $8000
Sub Total By Salary: $14000 (I have done grouping by Position so now header should be reprinted after subtotsl sd below.)
Name Position Salary
Robert SSE $10000
Hody SSE $12000
Second Page -------Now heading should be printed as below.
(But here i am not able how i do that because i don't know whether new page has started or not.)
Name Position Salary
Hgreen SSE $11000
Sub Total By Salary: $33000
If you're grouping by something, you should put your headers in the group header, and switch on the Repeat Group Header on Each New Page option. (Right click the group, Change Group).
This will automatically give you the headers every time the subtotal is displayed and when you start a new page, rather than you having to faff around with getting it to work in details sections.
But This is not printing header on next page if few records of a group are on previous page and few are on new page. In this case header is not printed on start of new page.
Have I get you right if I think that you want the headings "Name", "Position" and "Salary" to be printed before each new Position ?
Then I you shall do like Naith said (Repeat Group Header on each new page).
Put your headings in the Group section (instead of in the detail section as you mentioned that you have done)
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