I would like to find out what kind of NIC and graphic card I have on my NT4 system. I would like to get all the drivers for my server box as well. Could you tell me what should I do and where to get all the drivers?
If the box is up and running, you can get the NIC and graphic card details from the Control Panel. NIC is in Network > Adapters, and graphics card is in Display > Settings > Display Type. If the box is not up, easiest way is to open it up and have a look.
You can get drivers from either the NIC/graphic card manufacturer or the machine manufacturer.
If your system is not functioning with the right drivers, defaults may be loaded, you can get the graphic card details on bootup of the system, check the top left hand of the monitor display on, power on of the system. If the system has not auto detected the NICard or has installed the wrong drivers you will need to either open the system to check the card, else you can go to the cmd line & type 'ipconfig /all', this will give you the relevant details incl ip address & subnet.
ipconfig/all will give you an idea of your NIC, but usually won't give you enough detail to get the correct drivers (eg ipconfig tells me I've got 3com etherlink PCI, but to get the right drivers I need to know it's a 3c905c-tx)
The two links funster gave are good, but I find manufacturer web sites are usually more up-to-date.
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