I've logged into a HP Unix box which I know to be HP-UX 11i. From top I can see that the system has 8 CPUs etc.
What I am wondering is, is there a Unix command or a HP file that will tell me:
a: The actual make/brand name of the server
b: The number of CPUs installed and their processor speed
c: The amount of RAM available on the server
and other such hardware details.
I've logged into a HP Unix box which I know to be HP-UX 11i. From top I can see that the system has 8 CPUs etc.
What I am wondering is, is there a Unix command or a HP file that will tell me:
a: The actual make/brand name of the server
b: The number of CPUs installed and their processor speed
c: The amount of RAM available on the server
and other such hardware details.