What I am trying to do is print the info first that has a picture associated with it. Then I want to print the info that has no image. I have not figured it out yet. Any suggestions?
Here is some of the code.
"do while (recProducts.EOF = false and recProducts("PICTUREURL"<>""'Do for all items that have an image"
Based on this I can refrain from printing the data where there is no image.
Here is some of the the code that I tried to print the info that has no image.
"if ((recProducts("PICTUREURL".ActualSize = 0)) then ..."
"if ((recProducts.Fields.Item("PICTUREURL".value)="" then ..."
Here is some of the code.
"do while (recProducts.EOF = false and recProducts("PICTUREURL"<>""'Do for all items that have an image"
Based on this I can refrain from printing the data where there is no image.
Here is some of the the code that I tried to print the info that has no image.
"if ((recProducts("PICTUREURL".ActualSize = 0)) then ..."
"if ((recProducts.Fields.Item("PICTUREURL".value)="" then ..."