I work in local government and have worked up from PA to ICT support. Everything I have learnt about pcs and software I have taught myself. I left school at 15 with no qualifications to do hairdressing. Now I am nearly 50 and doing a job that I love but that isn't greatly paid. I am a Crystal Reports writer. I support an Oracle database and create, maintain and support several Access Databases. My problem is that I am in a rut I think. I've been here 8 years and know that I can do the job elsewhere but I don't have any formal qualifications. All the jobs say graduate level, or minimum of 5 GCSE's. Dare I go for these jobs anyway? Will they consider me despite the lack of qualifications. I have got loads of experience now. I know that if I was given a chance I could prove my aptitude as happened in my present job.
What have others done? Do you advertise jobs? Would you consider someone like me? Learn something new every day *:->*
What have others done? Do you advertise jobs? Would you consider someone like me? Learn something new every day *:->*