On our database we have a field that is displayed as 20071 where 1 is a week number and 2007 is the year number. In case we are in 200712 the week is two digit.
Curent formula used (Dutch):
="week "+Rechts(Min(<Jaar Week>) ,2)+"-"+Links(Min(<Jaar Week>) ,4)+" t/m "+"week "+Rechts(Max(<Jaar Week>) ,2)+"-"+Links(Max(<Jaar Week>) ,4)
="week "+Right(Min(<Year Week>) ,2)+"-"+Left(Min(<Year Week>) ,4)+" t/m "+"week "+Right(Max(<Year Week>) ,2)+"-"+Left(Max(<Year Week>) ,4)
I should make a display from of the 4th digit which is the end of year but I don't know how to do this.
Version of business object we are using: 5.1.8
Curent formula used (Dutch):
="week "+Rechts(Min(<Jaar Week>) ,2)+"-"+Links(Min(<Jaar Week>) ,4)+" t/m "+"week "+Rechts(Max(<Jaar Week>) ,2)+"-"+Links(Max(<Jaar Week>) ,4)
="week "+Right(Min(<Year Week>) ,2)+"-"+Left(Min(<Year Week>) ,4)+" t/m "+"week "+Right(Max(<Year Week>) ,2)+"-"+Left(Max(<Year Week>) ,4)
I should make a display from of the 4th digit which is the end of year but I don't know how to do this.
Version of business object we are using: 5.1.8