This code gets the each cell down colA (Numbers) and
puts the data where I want it but it keeps
going. My field looks like a countdown timer.
How do I make it stop after each cell until I'm ready
for the next cell. I need time to research each number
before it puts the next cell of numbers in my field.
And how would I make it start on row 100 one day and row
200 the next day and maybe row 250 the next day or just
start at the active cell.
Dim obj as object
Dim objWorkbook as object
Set obj=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Dim Sess As Object
Set Sess = System.ActiveSession
Set obj = Getobject("C:\CODE1.xls") 'where xxxx is the location/name of the file on the C Drive
set objWorkbook=obj.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For i = 2 To obj.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count 'assumption data begins with row 2
MyNumber = objWorkBook.Range("A" & i) 'assumption data begins in column A
If Trim(MyNumber) = "" Then exit sub
sess.screen.putstring MyNumber,4,18 'places the data from Excel in Extra
'do stuff in extra...
next i 'i is the next row
End Sub
puts the data where I want it but it keeps
going. My field looks like a countdown timer.
How do I make it stop after each cell until I'm ready
for the next cell. I need time to research each number
before it puts the next cell of numbers in my field.
And how would I make it start on row 100 one day and row
200 the next day and maybe row 250 the next day or just
start at the active cell.
Dim obj as object
Dim objWorkbook as object
Set obj=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Dim Sess As Object
Set Sess = System.ActiveSession
Set obj = Getobject("C:\CODE1.xls") 'where xxxx is the location/name of the file on the C Drive
set objWorkbook=obj.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For i = 2 To obj.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count 'assumption data begins with row 2
MyNumber = objWorkBook.Range("A" & i) 'assumption data begins in column A
If Trim(MyNumber) = "" Then exit sub
sess.screen.putstring MyNumber,4,18 'places the data from Excel in Extra
'do stuff in extra...
next i 'i is the next row
End Sub