Is that from the output of 'netstat -natp' in the first post and some sort of ps in the second? The means that the service is listening on all interfaces in your system. A daemon called bnc is listening on port 2339. Find out where its located on the disk with 'updatedb && locate bnc', or maybe 'which bnc'.
I googled for bnc and found this...
IRC Session Bouncing Proxy
BouNCe is a daemon designed to allow some people who do not have access to the net in general, but who do have access to another pc that can reach the net, the ability to BouNCe though this pc to IRC.
Basically bnc started and changed directory to /var/tmp/.xpl/bnc . Once it started it did an unlink (i.e. remove) of the directory. It's current working dir is still set to the directory even though you would not see it in an ls. This is often used to stealth programs.
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