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How do I find a location's and IP Network Region subnet range? 1

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Systems Engineer
Sep 6, 2018
I'm conducting a system audit and did a list reg reg. The only way I can correlate the Station IP address and Net Rgn on the reg reg is by doing a Display ip network map then manually look for the Station's ip address and network region in the network map. This is tedious as I can't export the IP network map.

Is there a way I can do this more efficiently?
What version of CM? Are you running SMGR?

I'm no expert by any means. But, when you run list reg reg, don't you insert the region number after the last reg (i.e: list registered-ip-stations region 1)? That will tell you which stations are mapped to that network region.

Or, you can run "list registered-ip-stations all". That will show you all registered stations, their IP addresses, and network regions.

…At least it does in CM 7.X.

Alternatively, you can display the network map in SMGR (assuming you have CM imported into SMGR), copy the cells into a spreadsheet, and use that reconcile your audit.
Perhaps I'm missing what you are asking.

The list registered-ip-stations report shows both the IP Address and Network Region for the station. The Network Region is based on the IP-Network-Map so you shouldn't have to manually cross-reference.

list registered-ip-stations

                            REGISTERED IP STATIONS

Station Ext      Set Type/ Prod ID/    Station IP Address/
or Orig Port     Net Rgn   Release     Gatekeeper IP Address
101              9608      IP_Phone
  tcp            1         6.8202

display ip-network-map                                          Page   1 of  63
                               IP ADDRESS MAPPING

                                               Subnet Network     Emergency
 IP Address                                    Bits   Region VLAN Location Ext
 --------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ---- -------------
 FROM:                                /      1      n

But to cross-reference Network Region to Location you will need to look at each IP-Network-Region form:

display ip-network-region 1                                     Page   1 of  20
                               IP NETWORK REGION
  Region: 1       NR Group: 1
Location: 1       Authoritative Domain: company.com
    Name: company               Stub Network Region: n

That still isn't a lot of fun but if you confirm your Network Regions are correctly set with the location then you can verify your Network Map has the correct IP Addresses for each Network Region and know that the locations are correct.
Zero you got it right. In your example, I'm matching the station IP address with the IP address range in network map plus the Network region number. The part I need to cross reference is in my "display ip-network-map" many subnet range entries belong to no longer existing or used Network regions.

So for example on network map range TO: IP network region 1, if I do a "list ip-network-region monitor" region 1 is blank in my system and needs to be cleaned up.

So, are you saying you have as an entry? Or and etc etc

If you want to correlate "list reg" vs "network map ranges" to output "subnets in network map that have no phones on them" I figure you could just do a raw csv export of the network map from ASA and put your Excel hat on and do some vlookups.

Or, if you feel like being a little reckless, make a new network region like 123 that looks just like your main region as far as config goes.
Maybe wait till people go home, or don't, and make a bunch of entries in the map belong to that region 123 and list reg reg 123

Network region is done on the fly in CM - phones don't need to reboot to pick it up and you won't break anything in overnight if you flip a bunch of subnets to region 123 and right back to region 1

That might be an easier way to check. And then if you get to having no phones, then get brazen and make all in region 123 and check those.

That might even be quicker than using the vlookup.

I presume your intent is to remove those ranges at some point anyway, so if having 0 phones in them is the criteria, then making those ranges be in region 123 could be the label for you to know there's nothing in there. So you just run through your entries 1/2/10 at a time, as long as list reg reg 123 is blank, leave the network map entries there.
Yes I have several subnet ranges all over the place and I want to output these subnets in network map that have no phones on them. But the option to export in "list ip-network-map all" isn't available.

And they don't give me the option to be a little reckless here lol..
I don't suppose you can get a list of active IP Address ranges from someone in Networking? May be easier to just input new information.
I may have to check the network guys. Thank you Zero.
so just change the network map - put one subnet at a time in a different region - 123 - and list reg reg 123, if its got phones, put it back, if it doesn't, leave it in 123

or, play in excel!
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