I have a bunch of HP switches, 5308xl, 2848, and 2524 and it would appear that RMON History is disabled by default. My Fluke WGA does not list them as data sources on the Statistics tab. When I call Fluke TAC, they say I have to enable History Studies and rerun the discovery.
When I called HP TAC, the only crumb they would throw my way is a reference to RFC2819 but I have reached my level of incompetence. When I walk the MIB, the OID has no data on any of my HP switches. When I walk the same MIB on my Nortel switches, there is data.
I suspect that HP does not have a CLI command that would turn on history and that it needs to be poked into the MIB, but I am not that smart to know how to do it.
Is there anybody out there smart enough to know how to turn on history?
When I called HP TAC, the only crumb they would throw my way is a reference to RFC2819 but I have reached my level of incompetence. When I walk the MIB, the OID has no data on any of my HP switches. When I walk the same MIB on my Nortel switches, there is data.
I suspect that HP does not have a CLI command that would turn on history and that it needs to be poked into the MIB, but I am not that smart to know how to do it.
Is there anybody out there smart enough to know how to turn on history?