How can one grab an arbitrary text line from a datbase or a text file (or user input) which may contain the quote and single quote chacters, and display this to the user?
Here is a line I am attempting to write run
This would (in theory) allow a user to put their mouse over a picture and see a short summary (in the alt) or click on the graphic and get a full summary (via an alert or some other means like a pop-up window). The Short sum and the fullsum are values obtained from an Access database and many contain single and double quotes. Is there any way to do this?
[sig]<p>John Vogel<br><a></a><br><a href= Home Page</a><br>==---____Tri Tech Labs____---==<br>
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Here is a line I am attempting to write run
<%="<IMG SRC='images/logo.jpg' Width='40' Height='40' ALT=""" & SumShort & """ align='left' valign='top' onClick=""script:alert('" & SumFull & "' )""></TD>"%>
[sig]<p>John Vogel<br><a></a><br><a href= Home Page</a><br>==---____Tri Tech Labs____---==<br>
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